Thursday, September 10, 2009


the world's only thatched roof castle
The main castle portion
Standing on the rocks at Morn
With Sven walking on the beach at his beach house
Too much DRAMAMINE! this is the result
We stopped on a small island while sailing to eat lunch and walk around...this is the inside of the church!
Clearly Sven has not spoken with my dad....he is not intune with my driving record...if he had known i don't think he would've let me drive the boat!
Had to try on my life-vest...I was pointed out as the troublesome new daughter that Sven and Lene adopted...they had to keep their eye on me.
Shelley, myself, and Lene

These past two days have been amazing! I am so exhausted right now (being that it is 12am on Friday and I just got out of the shower from practice and our two day escape with Sven and his wife Lene) so I will keep this one brief and update more tomorrow. Wednesday morning, Sven and his wife Lene picked Shelley and I up and took us to their beach house about an hour away. It is BEAUTIFUL. We were told to pack up our bags with enough stuff because we were going to stay there with them until Thursday and would not return home until after practice. It was soooo nice to be around these fun-loving people who treated us like their own children. Wednesday as soon as we got to Mon (pronounce mourn with an urn like murn) we went grocery shopping and then to the beach house. Needing to take advantage of the weather we decided it would be a great day for sailing so Sven and Lene took us to their sailboat (which was awesome) and we set sail. Being well prepared, I took one dramamine as soon as I got to the beach house! I was a true sailor that day, had an amazing time and no sea-sickness. Only problem was, I took the second dramamine just to be careful and it knocked me out, I slept the whole second half on the bow of the ship lol (between the sunshine, wind, and carefree feeling--plus extra help of DRAMAMINE I was OUT)! What a life, sailing and then the beach house! I will save the rest of the trip for tomorrow's post but just be assured that it was a tremendous amount of fun and I have been adopted as their daughter while here hahaha!

Sov Godt
Hugs and Kisses


  1. Brittany..
    The pictures are awesome, keep up the camera batteries....You are so beautiful, and look absolutely thrilled that you are where you are. You are so loved by all whose life you touch, and we are so blessed.
    love you oodles
