Thursday, October 15, 2009


Shelley and I decided to venture out yesterday to Naestved by ourselves via the train in search for the indoor mall we had been hearing fantasy stories about haha. We woke up, showered, and were on our way with one goal in mind, SHOPPING! We got to Naestved and were given instructions by a friend that all we needed to do was get on Bus 2 and it would take us straight to the mall. We sat and waited for bus2 and when it came we jumped on. Sitting there before we took off we thought we'd better ask and make sure this was the right one. Thank God for that. We asked and were told we needed to take the OTHER bus 2 (what the heck there are two bus2's lol) so we sprinted off just in time because that bus literally closed its doors as soon as we exited it. The second Bus 2 arrived and Shelley and I jumped on and rode it out to the glorious destination of the indoor mall; I almost shed a tear because it was glorious to see so many shops with so many options!
At the mall I was immediately attracted to the H&M where I bought a new sweater, pants, and belt. I am so happy with the way my wardrobe is coming along. Wearing all of these winter clothes is new and fun. The mall was a great way of spending the day, we were there from 11-4pm!
When we came home we dropped off our stuff and headed over to Gwen and Hp's house for dinner. They invited us over for dinner to not only be generous and feed us (the people here are so sweet) but also to show us the ropes to their house because we will be housesitting and dog watching for the 2 weeks that they are going to be in Florida. We start our "house sitting/ dog watching" tomorrow and it should be fun.
We have a game this Saturday at 12 and it is a must win(well all of our games are like that but I guess every time I write about the upcoming one it will always say 'it's a must win'). I will update as soon as I can.

Sov Godt
Knus (Hugs)

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